CQ Reduces Medical Building’s Electrical Usage Again
For the sixth year Capstone Quadrangle, as property manager, reduced electrical usage in the 770 High Street Professional Building (Lima, Ohio). In fall of 2009, building ownership asked CQ to assume management to replace a nationally known real estate firm. Quickly assessing the building operations, we saw electrical usage (and it’s cost) were astronomical. CQ took immediate steps to reduce usage through better use of the building automation system to reflect time-of-day temperature requirements. Working with local engineers we implemented a retrofit plan to install variable frequency drives on fan motors, cutting electrical usage and peak loads. More recently, we commissioned a building rebalancing so systems operate more efficiently.
The graph below reports the Monthly Electrical Usage. The upper portion identifies usage during the three year period preceding CQ management. The lines in the lower portion report usage during our six-year tenure.
This graph is a Summary of Annual Electrical Usage, indicating the immediate impact on usage resulting from steps CQ took. Electrical usage has gone down each year while occupancy remains constant.